November, 2023

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Spider Focus

A simple and productive Pomodoro application

Multi-tasking vs context-switching

I found myself jumping from task to task, in a chaotic way, thinking that I'm doing multi-tasking. The bad news was that in almost every end of the day I could spot some small mistakes and things that could've be done better.

I decided I wanna quit multi-tasking and learn how to do context-switching.

The Pomodoro Technique, named after the Italian word for 'tomato,' is all about efficiency. Just like slicing a tomato, work is divided into short, focused sprints - typically 25 minutes.

After each 'Pomodoro', you reward yourself with a short break. It's a simple method designed to keep your focus sharp, enhance productivity, and maintain your mental well-being.

The right context-switching is done by taking a disconnection break (5-15m), after doing just one single thing, like a spider.

Main View
It's also an installable app.

Why spiders? Well, they are the ultimate masters of focus and precision. Spiders concentrate on their prey, weaving intricate webs, and embody laser-sharp focus.

On the web version, volumes can be adjusted.

Having your must-do tasks in the order of their priority gives you more clarity and control over your time.

Main View
There are 3 task types: pending, in progress and completed.

So, get ready to unleash your inner spider, and weave your path to success with precision and flair!

Technologies used:
  - NextJS 13
  - MaterialUI with emotion
  - PWA
  - formik
  - yup




If you're curious about more details, let's discuss at

Interested in working together? Reach out to me directly at

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