Gabriel Tira

The new way of creating a Brand and Resume

Project description

This is a self-presentation of the site you are already viewing.

I had a couple of things in mind before I started to code it:

  • It would create a space for my desire to share what I learn
  • People with similar interests will find me easier
  • I'll start my journey of creating a personal brand
  • It's a chance to learn how to write and get my work exposed in public

Its structure is very simple:

  • Journey - where I share every Thursday knowledge I learned
  • Projects - every completed project will be posted there
  • About - my professional experience and how to reach me

I will keep it short as you are already on this website.

But if you somehow came directly on this page for the first time, I'd be happy to let you scroll freely through what's here.

Technologies used:
  - NextJS 14
  - Vercel
  - Tailwind
  - RadixUI
  - Content-Layer2




If you're curious about more details, let's discuss at

Interested in working together? Reach out to me directly at

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