To Understand Means To Love

Go beyond your spouse and parents. This is the hidden part of love.


Gabriel Tira

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7 min read

To Understand Means To Love letter image

Humans are descended from monkeys.

Humans are God's creation.

Humans have more bacterias and viruses than humans. We are 57% microorganisms.

It's very interesting to me that we have so many and different perceptions of what we are, yet we're still living the same life.

Did you ever ask why we don't have a single answer to this foundational question? It has a wide spectrum, and depends on the lens you're viewing the question through.

All right, but what made this spectrum to exist? Well, two major concepts: religion and science, that allowed sub-divisions to form beneath them.

Religion came with its sets of beliefs thousands of years ago. It was used as a form of controlling and uniting nations. We will never know the real reason of how religions have been created, especially because they've been altered throughout centuries.

Paradoxically, religion stands for peace, love and forgiveness, but if we look in the past, mismatched religions were the base reason of wars. At least this is what people were told, meanwhile the kings were planning to takeover the territories.

People were praying to their God to give them power to kill other people.

Science, on the other hand, is almost brand new, being born in the 17th century. Do you know what's funny about it? It says that everything proven, exists in reality, unlike religion, but we're still seeing newer studies that prove old studies wrong.

You can believe them as long they are proven otherwise by someone else. So they are also subjective to some degree. It was and will be iterated as the Bible was.

So.. neither of them has a precise definition of what we are and how should we behave?

I mentioned that some subdivisions formed, like philosophy as example. Below is my view on what the majority of us are from this standpoint.

Humans are like guns. Guns loaded with a bunch of ready-to-fire emotional reactions.

If you'd had nobody to tell you what good or bad, you'd have been on your own to discover the world, right? Sounds like freedom, you could just explore, see, analyze and conclude what's best for you.

The spotlight is on you. Don't you believe you already have that power to have your own view upon this world? It was there since your first second of life, but society doesn't want you to know that.

A "woke" person who can respectfully be on a different page compared to the majority is a pain for the government and influencers. You cannot be controlled and manipulated.

Love is the ultimate weapon for your growth

If you're like me, you've grown with the idea that love is kept for your loved one and family.

In the past years, I realized that love is diverse, profound and can be applied to people I don't even know. You may ask how and why, and we'll get there.

I learned how to love in 3 base layers:

  • Empathy
  • Compassion
  • Forgiveness

To shortly give them more context. Empathy is the first form of understanding the other person, as you begin to feel his emotions and support him. Compassion goes beyond, and you're putting yourself in that person's shoes, understanding him and coming up with an idea about how to solve the problem he's going through.

Forgiveness is now self explanatory. Since you've been able to apply compassion, you deeply understand why that person did that, and the fact that nobody was born to do bad things, they were pushed by the society they grew into.

Every time you're tempted to say 'I don't understand you', just stop and love more.

We are all humans, what mainly separates us is the enormous trunk of bad past experiences which lead us to be irrational-emotional in our actions. The way I treat people today is based on one of these 3 lenses:

  • Tolerate
  • Accept
  • Love

The moment you hate someone is the moment you amplify the distance towards understanding. Tell me, how does it serve you any of the following:

  • Gossip about how people do drugs
  • Curse that people who voted otherwise than you
  • Blame other people for the way your country is

Apart from feeling heard, you get nothing but stress. Do you know what else you prove? You have no power to influence those people, and this is the only way to manifest your frustration.

Now, let me tell you how love comes into play in these situations and how you can develop an even more well-rounded mind.

As I previously mentioned, to say you love someone you first have to go through his shoes, stay there, feel his context, understand his circumstances and find an applicable solution.

In Romania, some people are blaming people in the countryside who sell their electoral vote for flour, plastic buckets, and food. To understand that person, you need to imagine his everyday life:

  • No money for him or his family
  • A stable job is unheard
  • Drinking issues
  • Abusive with themselves and their kids
  • Would do everything for some little cash to fill the alcohol bottle, which will keep their mind suppressed from their pains

All right, sounds easy not to sell your vote in this case? When your mind is not governed by your authenticity, you're losing the battle against anyone. Those people are doing €2k-5k a month, it's easy to pass judges from that kind of comfort.

If you're not happy how people behave, what are your everyday actions to influence them?

Sadly, most of the time, wherever I look, I see people blaming others, while they are doing absolutely nothing. Did you see a problem? That's great, but don't even try to mention it until you have the reason for why it happens and what is your solution to it?

We need to be more responsible for what happens into this world, not only for our actions, which, frankly, are more negative than positive. Our default is to observe the negative and cry how others decided our present. This leads to nothing but depression, I was there, and you may already be there too but not seeing through it.

Do you know what's the reason behind these letters I'm writing? I write for people who were like I was: lost, depressed, hopeless, tired, driven by society and grumpy. I don't have any guarantee that I will succeed in influencing others with a positive mindset, but I guarantee myself I'll get so good that I'll reach that point.

This is one hidden part of love, where there is no money, no judgement and no ego involved. You're there purely to understand and help others to make better decisions for themselves, for the world ultimately.

No matter what religions we adhere to, no matter our country's form of government, no matter the race, we are all humans, and we all need help in some amount.

When a human being hates another human being, he needs help to get his own mind back.

Letter's Quest

This time, it's going to be hard, but at least straight forward. Think about a person you dislike or even hate.

On your notebook or in a meditation, start answering to these questions:

  • What are the ways he acts badly?
  • Was he supposed in the past to do what he's supposed to?
  • What would make him feel better?
  • How can I help? Even indirectly

You are going to apply the 2 steps: empathy to take over his feelings, and compassion to truly understand what's inside his soul and mind, so you can come with a resolution.

What does it mean to help indirectly? For the fact you're going to go through that person's skin, you evolve, understanding better what type of behaviours should be avoided, what triggers of yours should be switched off and how can you share a peaceful way of living towards the people you know.

We all have unique ways of contributing for a more lovely world: writing, speeches, pictures, videos, on the spot actions, you name it.

Changing the world has one first step: understand people.

Until the next letter, I wish you success in everything you're up to!

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